Monday, February 1, 2010

Day One

Well day one started with high hopes. Alarm went off at 6:15 let the dogs out and realized it was 9 degrees out so did some quick negotiating and was able to sleep for another hour and fifteen minutes. Kept one commitment and had a delicious green smoothie.
Day one was a typical Monday which left me getting home late and trying to squeeze a 37 minute workout into 30 minutes. Paid way too much attention to the book and not enough attention to common sense and under dressed and had to stop after 28 minutes. I'll let Renee weigh in on how pleasant I was during our first work out.

On a positive note actually did something, tomorrow is a cross training day which can be done indoors and I am actually writing this blog drinking tea instead of whiskey which is really want I'd like to be sipping on. Onward and upward. . .

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